All student presentations (including oral and poster presentations) are eligible for Student Presentation Awards. Judges will be the Workshop Scientific Committee who have volunteered to assess student presentations within their field of expertise. It is strongly recommended that you take the judging criteria into consideration as you prepare your presentations, as shown below. A certificate will be presented to the Best Student Winner for oral and for poster presentations at the closing ceremony which will be held in Beihai on the evening of June 20th, 2019.
Judging Criteria
(A) Scientific Content
1. Printed abstract – Concisely states objectives and scope, summarizes methods, states principal results & conclusions. Abstract is clear, concise, correct, and well-written.
2. Introduction – Provides adequate context and background information. Explains why this work is important.
3. Design and methods – Appropriate methods used for this study. Experimental design and use of statistical procedures are sound and reasonable.
4. Results and interpretation – Data analysis appropriate and correct. Interpretation is logical, based on the results, and provides an interesting, compelling story.
5. Originality and contribution to discipline – Study is interesting, original, and creative. Ties in with related studies previously done.
(A) Scientific Content
1. Printed abstract – Concisely states objectives and scope, summarizes methods, states principal results & conclusions. Abstract is clear, concise, correct, and well-written.
2. Introduction – Provides adequate context and background information. Explains why this work is important.
3. Design and methods – Appropriate methods used for this study. Experimental design and use of statistical procedures are sound and reasonable.
4. Results and interpretation – Data analysis appropriate and correct. Interpretation is logical, based on the results, and provides an interesting, compelling story.
5. Originality and contribution to discipline – Study is interesting, original, and creative. Ties in with related studies previously done.
(B) Visual Presentation
1. Organization – Information is in logical sequence. Information is well reorganized and easy to follow.
2. Design of slides/poster – Text size is large enough to read. Slides/poster are not too cluttered or too sparse. Layout, color and design are visually engaging. Figures/tables are clear and easy to understand.
1. Organization – Information is in logical sequence. Information is well reorganized and easy to follow.
2. Design of slides/poster – Text size is large enough to read. Slides/poster are not too cluttered or too sparse. Layout, color and design are visually engaging. Figures/tables are clear and easy to understand.
(C) Verbal Communication
1. Verbal skills – Speaks in a clear, professional tone. Enthusiastic, interacts with audience and makes regular eye contact. Uses appropriate body language and mannerisms. Stays within allocated time (oral presentation only).
2. Understanding of subject – Displays clear knowledge and understanding of topic. Answers audience questions clearly and effectively.
1. Verbal skills – Speaks in a clear, professional tone. Enthusiastic, interacts with audience and makes regular eye contact. Uses appropriate body language and mannerisms. Stays within allocated time (oral presentation only).
2. Understanding of subject – Displays clear knowledge and understanding of topic. Answers audience questions clearly and effectively.